Thanks, Ms. Pillsbury. If I might ask, who else is in it? What's happening in the photo? [ a little worried, because all other photos of him so far show him terrorizing people ]
[private] [voice]peopletalktomeApril 8 2010, 23:01:57 UTC
I don't know who the other person is--an older woman, maybe a...maybe a relative of some kind? Nothing---well, not nothing, it's---you're sitting at a table. You were wearing a suit.
[private] [voice]makes_you_tickApril 9 2010, 22:45:06 UTC
Someday I should tell you about her. She's really something else. But I'll say one thing for her- she did help me realize that trying to be a better person might be worthwhile.
Thank you very much, Ms. Pillsbury. I appreciate it.
Please destroy it, if you would.
Of course. I'll take care of it.
Thank you very much, Ms. Pillsbury. I appreciate it.
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