Cutting to the chase, I think that some things just need to be said, so I'm here to do that. It's my belief that, in a multitude of situations, especially the things that happen here, it can often be the case that a person will need...a little extra guidance, you know, not exactly a holding hand---er, you know, a hand to hold, but a hand that sort of points the way...
[ cough, ahem, pause, backtrack--- ] get the picture, right? And, as it happens, I'm pretty good at it, counseling that is. It's my job, and while I will admit that I'm most familiar with working in a high school setting, I also believe in expanding one's horizons. It's the only way to grow, isn't it? Anyway, considering all of the...well, calamity that seems to be a part of just trying to be here, you know, at all, it makes sense that there might be some residual conflict, maybe, the kind of conflict best resolved with some objective advice---counseling, that sort of thing. You know, sometimes it really helps to get a second opinion...or if you already have then a third, or a fourth which is more well rounded, though if you wanted something to decide between them you'd have to make it a fifth.
[ pause ]
The point is, I, Emma Pillsbury, would like to help you as much as I possibly can. If you think you might benefit from some side advice on whatever troubles you might have, well, I would be glad to try to provide that help. Though I can't make any promises, I would say that it is safe to say that improvement and change is in any individual's capacity, as long as he or she is honestly willing to try. Not everyone is, of course [ a pointed pause ... ahem but she continues ] but for the most part, I think that even the least likely people have it in them. It's important to believe in others as much as yourself.
For scheduling an appointment, feel free to contact me at
✆. I receive both texts and voicemail, and, obviously, regular calls as well. You may also e-mail me through the network if you're more comfortable with that. My office is located
[ooc; Very cursed with I'M A PROFESSIONAL...and I will backdate forever with this and all other owed tags oh backdating how kind you are to unkind schedules....this post itself is backdated to afternoon-ish earlier today, and everything is voice unless otherwise stated. go ahead and assume the phone symbol that links to her phone post is an actual number >.>;! Although she won't be as forthcoming about it in the sense of posting to advertise her specialty other than today--thanks to the curse's boost of confidence--she will be available from now on, so to set anything up if you think your character would like to/ and/ or should run into her office somehow or even her, feel free to contact at <3
~_~ and will tag anyone and everyone after class later today sob I am so so so sorry scre...sdlkfjsdlkds...]