[THIS is the sound of fumbling and then the device being dropped...at which point it isn't being picked up again...because she has the growing suspicion that as litter free as the streets seem, even basic public arena cleanliness isn't top priority here. Not like it is...anywhere, but that's not the point. Her voice is preceded by what can only be described as flustered murmuring and then heels as she steps back and forth as if undecided before pausing, the last click of shoes on concrete closest to the device in a way that may echo through receiving ends. ]
Oh god. Um. I hope...well the light is on. That usually means that...
[ and a breath, yes another because one can also note that she sounds out of breath still too ]
Hello, um, how do I even---
I'm going to sound crazy. But to not say anything would be much, much worse. And goodness knows what might have happened to---
[ and a few more breaths before she clears her throat a little, her voice straining for calm ]
Pardon me. I...realize this sounds very scatterbrained, but I was hoping that someone, anyone who knows a man by the name of...well, actually I don't know his first name.
[ awkward pause ]
But he's a doctor here, Doctor Chase more specifically and, I would greatly appreciate it if someone who knows him could...could acquaint me with a form of contacting him. A...a phone number or...
It isn't unreasonable to think...he could be contacted in such a logical way. Even...I hope he's alright...
[ finally, hurriedly... ]
Anyway, please, if you just can take a second...if you don't know him but you know someone who would have that information, that would be just as helpful.
I just would like to know what's happened to him...if...if he's okay.
I don't think I can rationalize this anymore.
[ooc; backdated to earlier before this
this was brought to a neat (?) end as recorded