Aug 06, 2009 13:02

Two days ago, the former Fire Lord Ozai agreed to surrender his false claim to the throne without a fight, in order to stop the wave of assassination attempts that had plagued him. His actions were commendable; the capital is currently far more peaceful and stable than it was even yesterday, and it grows more so by the hour. He is currently being kept under house arrest in his wing of the palace-- access to the community has not been denied him, but no worldhoppers will be allowed in or out. I, of course, have returned to take my rightful place as Fire L--

[Suddenly the door bangs open, and a man's voice can be heard shouting:]

Ozai is the true Fire Lord! Anyone who says otherwise is a traitor, and traitors must die!

[There's the sound of a struggle, and of fire crackling, and then the audio cuts out]

OOC: All replies will be forward-dated by about an hour, she will totally talk out of her ass and insist that the Fire Nation capital is less chaotic and dangerous than it obviously is, etc., etc.

EDIT: OKAY SO I just realized that I'm not getting email notifs; bear with me and fail!LJ. :|

ddd: england [arthur kirkland], ddd: mireille bouquet, ddd: rufus shinra, ddd: kaito kuroba [kaitou kid], ddd: vanessa buckingham, ddd: ozai, ddd: larsa solidor, ddd: saguru hakuba, ddd: byakuya kuchiki, ddd: lisa cuddy, ddd: the doctor (5), ddd: karen minazuki, ddd: !ic

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