Sep 05, 2008 07:08
I'm bo-ored. Dad's off at a war meeting that he said I couldn't go to, Mai and Ty Lee are at their houses, and even Zuzu- who shouldn't be important enough to have any responsibilities- has something stupid that he has to do.
When I'm Fire Lord, I'm going to make a new law that says anyone I want has to play with me whenever I want, even if they have something more "important" to do- because I'll be Fire Lord, so I'll be even more important than I am now! But really, it'll only affect Mai, Ty Lee, or Zuko, because I don't play with commoners or worthless people who aren't my friends (or useless brothers).
They aren't very good friends sometimes. I am always a good friend. For example, when Ty Lee and Mai come for a sleepover and there's a thunderstorm- even just a little one- and Ty Lee acts like a baby and gets all scared and wants to sleep in my bed, and I always let her even if she's being really annoying.
... I forget. Was I not supposed to tell people about that?
ddd: aoko nakamori,
ddd: kaito kuroba [kaitou kid],
ddd: *mental regression virus,
ddd: !ic