Best wishes to Piper

Dec 06, 2006 10:56

I don't know where the hell my head has been, but My thoughts and prayers are with you, Rod. You were one of my heros growing up and watching the crazy sport we all love, But most of all you've been a friend through all the years as well as a role model to myself and many others that followed. If anyone can beatt his cancer,it's you.

God Bless you & your family.

I got a call this morning from Maria, she's safe and sound and really looking forward to her time in Iraq. I know how much it means not only to the superstars & the divas of the WWE but to the troops as well. It really is a great way for some of us to just say thanks. It's all volunteer to go over and nothing gives the WWE more pleasure than to go over and entertain the troops for a week.


I got a rare day off due to Maddi being sick, poor kid has a cough and a sore throat so I sent her over a Big Teddy bear to cheer her up.

also talked to my own baby this morning. simone is getting so big and Lord help me, she has a boyfriend. This can not be happening, right? The kid moved in next door to Dany's on the weekend and Simone has already claimed him as hers *Bangs head on desk*. I think she's trying to make me go grey or have a stroke.


enough ramblings, I got stuff to get ready for the weekend.
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