Great weekend

Nov 12, 2006 16:56

Daddy's lil lady.

well This weekend went great! I picked Simone up from the Airport on Friday and than we went to Mcdonalds. she played on the playground for a little bit, climbing things and scaring the crap out of her dad. After 30 mins of about 20 almost heart attacks, whenever Simone even came close to slipping, we grabbed dinner and headed home.

we ate dinner and talked about Maria, Simone had the chance to call her and the 2 talked like long lost friends. It was real cute how almost grown up simone tried to sound.

Cookie time.

Simone had planned on making cookies this weekend so we went to the grocery store and got everything we needed.

I showed simone how to make my Best ever Chocolate chip cookes(recipe is in the wwe cook book). we made 4 dz cookies. I think over the weekend we ate about 2 doz. Simone took some back home with her when she left.

After Simone was bathed and tucked away, I called maria and we had a real nice talk. Although it was hard cause I missed her like crazy. I missed feeling her laying in my arms or her little giggles when we kiss, just little things that makes maria, her.

More fun things

Simone woke on Saturday and announced she wanted to go to the zoo. well after a 30 min arguement, me trying to explain the zoos are closed in Boston because it's getting colder, we settled on a movie. Brother Bear II. Yep good Old disney.

So I made popcorn and we watched the movie.

After the movie we went upto the park and played ball and hopscotch, please do not try and visualizeThe Rock playing Hopscotch,guarnteed nightmares for weeks.

We than grabbed a pizza and went home. After Dinner, simone had another bath and than it was dessert time. Yep, Chocolate brownies, I had in the freezer. Hey knowing Dany, simone gets fruits and veggies all week, so weekend with dad is live a little.

Maria got in around 4 am this morning from a late flight. I never felt more relaxed til she crawled in with me and the lights went back out and lets just say I hope the neighbours or No one else heard the reunion.

Time to leave.

After Breakfast this morning, Maria had to leave again for europe and I had to take Simone to the Airport.

So It was Breakfast at Denny's than off to the Airport.

Good Byes are never easy, especially when your child is crying and begging to make mommy let her stay. Ok maybe it was wrong but I bought her a Big Teddy Bear before going to the actual Airport. something just to help her feel safe, even though it's a private flight, I'm almost sure she's a little scared.

So that is a weekend in The Johnson home. I can't wait to return to Miami because it is so cold here.
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