Catch ups

Oct 19, 2006 19:50

I had fun yesterday catching up with an old pal from Miami. Someone sent me the text and thought I'd share the chat session with y'all.

The Rock. The QB Killa. Run for the hills.

(Warning: Some of the dialogue herein includes lingo unique to The U. This is not for the uninitiated. Disavow all knowledge of U lingo, as it will fry your brain at unfathomable temperatures and many U delinquents will show up at your doorstep with large club-like weapons -- and they will be led by Jeremy Shockey, Lamar "I Was About To Go Down The Elevator" Thomas, and the dude who swung his helmet like an axe in the FIU brawl on Saturday.)

Warren Sapp: Hack'n Gash, brother.

The Rock: Haha, Hack'n Gash.

(Note: This was a battle cry created by WS and DJ. You were warned.)

Sapp: What's up with you, brotha?

Rock: Everything's good man, you at practice?

Sapp: Naw, we at lunch right now. We don't practice until 2 o'clock. Long day today, but you know, the dog gotta eat.

Rock: You healthy?

Sapp: Yeah, I'm healthy now. Tore my rotator cuff last season, so the last five-six months been getting this thing tight again.

Rock: You heard what happened to me right?

Sapp: No.

Rock: I was up in Boston rehearsing for my new movie, "The Game Plan," where I play a pro quarterback, and you know I've got no business being a QB …

Sapp: (Laughs)

Rock: So, I rolled out on a bootleg, trying to be cute, jumped up and ruptured my Achilles.

Sapp: No!

Rock: Yes, brotha. There's no pain like the Achilles pain.

Sapp: Knock on wood, man. Never want to feel that.

Rock: You won't, man. Just stretch yourself out. You know how to do it.

Sapp: So how did "Gridiron Gang" go?

Rock: It's been going good. I've been on the road promoting this thing. I tried to set up a screening for the Raiders, but you'd just gotten into camp.

Sapp: You know how it is. They don't want to do nothing but football all day, every day, all day. You ain't been doin' movies that long, you know how it is. Hey, who's your fine co-star in this? I know you got a bad lady in there, come on now.

Rock: Not really, but in my next movie I've got Roselyn Sanchez. You know her?

Sapp: I know she look good.

Rock: She look fine as the day is long. She's the girl from "Rush Hour 2."

Sapp: Yeah, yeah, OK! Damn, if I had your hands, I'd cut mine off. (Laughter)

Rock: It's definitely not like our days in Miami. Back then, it was all work. It's weird, man, all of those values we learned there, I've taken that through life. Commitment. Sacrifice. We weren't playing for money. We played because of the love. That's a big reason why I'm here now.

Sapp: You remember the first day I walked into the D-line meeting after they moved me from tight end?

Rock: How can I forget?

Sapp: You were like, "What are you doing in here?"

Rock: And you fell asleep in the very first meeting. (Laughter)

Sapp: Hey, I had a long night. You know, you coulda been one of the greatest D-linemen in college football. You had great skills.

Rock: Yeah, the thing was, I had the greatest D-lineman in the history of the game playing in front of me. No. 99, No. 1 in your heart. I gotta tell you this: People are always asking me if I regret not making it to the NFL because of my injuries at Miami. Let me be clear: It had nothing to do with my injuries. I didn't make it to the NFL because of one man. That's Warren Sapp. Hands down. There's a reason why I'm here right now, and it's because of the grace of God, because you're the best at what you do. And because you came in and said, "You go sit on the sidelines real quick, and I'm going out there to kick some ass."

Sapp: No doubt about it. When we left college, you and I lost touch for a little while. But I got a brotha who was watching wrestling all the time. One day, he's like, "You played with 'The Rock,' right? I'm like, "Man, I don't know no damn 'Rock.' Then I'm watching and I see you talking about "candy-ass" this and that. And I'm like, are you kidding me?! Who is this man?! It was the craziest two weeks of my life watching you.

Rock: (Laughter)

Sapp: I tell you what though, nobody got what you got. Acting is a crazy thing. You get to be the King of Scorpions. You get to be all Walking Tall -- kicking the shit out of some country boys (laughter), then you turn around and teach kids football. And your next movie … have you ever heard of a 6-foot 280-pound QB? Are you kidding me? You get to transform your life every five months and be a whole new person. I have to sit in the 3-technique all day, every day, all day long. When you don't like something in a movie, you change the lines. I can't tell a double-team, "OK, can I jump outside of you?"

Rock: (Laughter) Listen, I can't front. It's true, I'm living the dream. But, you're living the dream, too. You've won a Super Bowl. You're a Pro Bowler. There's a one in a trillion shot that you become what you are: The greatest lineman in the history of the game. I'm proud of you man, you're my brother and I love you.

Sapp: I love you too, man.

Rock: And you know we got to end it with this, Miami style: We going to hit, hit stick, and do what?

Sapp: (Laughter) Break stick.

Rock: And what else?

Sapp: Talk shit. (laughter)

Missing My Ladies

I am missing Maria Like crazy, I can't wait to hold her again . we talked brief last night but nothing beats having her with me.

Simone and I talk twice a day. I miss her like crazy as well. She'll be here tomorrow night as I have Friday off. Can't wait to see my ladies.

The Game Plan update
The Rock rolls through harbor scenes

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson didn't have a lot of heavy lifting to do while filming scenes yesterday for the Disney flick "The Game Plan." Shooting scenes outside the Barking Crab in the South Boston waterfront, Johnson's main prop was a spanking new Mercedes sports car.

Tense times

There was drama on the set of “The Game Plan” yesterday, but it had nothing to do with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson!

Mark Drago, the former state film czar who was fired from his $100,000-a-year gig earlier this month, showed up at The Barking Crab and came face-to-face with the man who kicked him to the curb - Rich Krezwick!

“There were some death stares,” said Someone Who Was There.

We are relieved to report that there was no bloodshed, however.

Drago, you may recall, was booted from the big gig by Krezwick, the Mass. Sports and Entertainment Commission interim director, who was on the set yesterday helping the Disney peeps find a location to shoot a scene where Rock gets caught in a Boston traffic jam. (Now that should have been an easy get!)

Anyway, Drago showed up to have the former WWE star meet a 7-year-old boy who is suffering from brain cancer. Shane Correale got The Rock’s autograph and spent some quality time with “The Game Plan” QB.

Drago and Krezwick, we are told, studiously avoided one another. However, Drago was overheard predicting that he will be back running the show - filmwise - after the November elections.

That’s his Game Plan anyway . . .

For ex-New England Patriot Brian White, playing a football hero on the field at Gillette Stadium sure beats actually playing in the NFL.

“It’s the same adrenaline rush, but it hurts a lot less the next day,” said White, son of Celtics legend JoJo White and one of the stars of Disney’s football flick, “The Game Plan.”

White, who played just five games for the Pats as a defensive back in 1996 before an injury ended his football career, said last week’s “The Game Plan” filming at Gillette was his first return trip to Foxboro since leaving Drew Bledsoe & Co. to go to Wall Street.

“I became a stockbroker, but because I was with (super agent) Leigh Steinberg, they offered me a chance with the Raiders,” White recalled. “I went to L.A. and was approached by a casting agent and I never even ended up going to Oakland to try out.”

White was cast as Gabe in the UPN sitcom “Moesha” and the rest is, as they say, history. He’s appeared in more than 20 films and was a regular on FX’s “The Shield” in 2004. He currently has six movies in various stages of development.

“I’m still pretty passionate about sports,” said White, who also played professional lacrosse for the Boston Blazers. “But there’s a lot more longevity with this career path.”

A Dartmouth College grad who majored in psychology and political science, White says he’s loving being home in Newton with his parents and five younger sisters while shooting “The Game Plan.”

“It’s fantastic,” he said. “They’re thrilled I’m home and it’s great to be back in New England, especially in the fall for football season.”

White, who co-founded the Phunk Phenomenon Urban Dance Theater in Everett, went over to watch his younger sister, Jamie, 14, dance there the other day. He said he plans to take in a Celtics game or two with his dad and, “We’ll probably check out a few golf courses.”

In “The Game Plan,” he plays a Laurence Maroney-esque rookie running back on the fictitious Boston Rebels. (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is the QB.)

“My character is Farley Webber. I actually just found out his first name,” said White. “He’s a first-round draft pick with a huge personality and a big ego. He thinks he’s Tom Brady - but with much fewer rings.”

White, his co-star Jamal Duff, who played for the New York Giants, and the rest of the faux football crew “are like kids in a candy store, flying around the field and pretending like it’s a real game,” during the shoot, White said.

“It’s such a thrill to be on the turf at Gillette Stadium and look up and see my picture on the scoreboard,” he said. “Then The Rock hands the ball off to me and, well, it’s what I grew up doing.”

The cast and crew are filming in Foxboro for the next week or so while the Pats are on a bye and then play two away games.

“I don’t think Bill Belichick is enjoying us chewing up his field,” White said. “It was already bad enough. He’s trying to ignore us, but I’m sure he would have preferred it being a bye week for the field as well.”

White said one of the best parts of shooting “The Game Plan” has been working with Johnson, who he calls “a sweetheart of a guy.”

“He’s just a great guy, a great person, a great husband and a great father,” he said. “He’s always got a smile on, and the way he copes with the pressure of carrying a major Hollywood film is just exemplary.”

The Rock plays a playboy QB who has to clean up his act when his 7-year-old daughter arrives on his doorstep. He enlists the help of his teammates, played by White & Co., to help with daddy duties.

Brian said he thinks the film, for release next year, has “hit” written all over it.

“It’s something the whole family can enjoy,” he said. “Husbands and sons will like the football, women will love The Rock and everyone will laugh.”

He traded cocktail party chitchat with hockey icon Phil Esposito on Denis Leary’s “Rescue Me,” but don’t expect to see New England Patriots main man Bill Belichick barking orders to The Rock in any of “The Game Plan” scenes being shot at Gillette Stadium this week.

“No, you won’t see me anywhere near that movie,” Belichick told reporters. “I just do comedy.”

Because, you know what a funny guy Bill is.. . .

As we’ve told you so many times, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his pigskin posse have been down in Foxboro this week shooting scenes for the Disney flick about a fictional Boston football team and its playboy QB.

According to our spies in the stands, The Rock and his fellow “Boston Rebels” - Brian White, Morris Chestnut, Jamal Duff and Hayes MacArthur - ran four plays for the cameras at Gillette, which was not-so-filled with about 750 fans - and a couple of thousand more faux fans!

“Though we had 750 extras, we were augmented by blow-up dolls in the stands,” said Someone Who Was There. “So you would be sitting in a seat and on either side of you was a dummy dressed in the team’s maroon colors.”

And apparently the plastic pigskin posse isn’t as, er, hardy as the Gillette regulars.
“When one of the actors kicked a PAT (point after touchdown), the net wasn’t up and there were doll heads flying everywhere,” said Someone Else Who Was There. “It made you do a real double take.”

We’re told The Rock, who ripped his Achilles tendon last spring practicing for the role of QB Joe Kingman, had a stand-in for most(Not all) of the real football action. Good thing, as he was tackled on three of the four plays.

“Late in the game, on third down and goal, he gets sacked,” said our spy. “On fourth and goal from around the 12 yard line, the QB doesn’t throw to an open receiver and runs for the goal line where he’s tackled a yard short. We fans boo.”

Do we even have to tell you that the Rebels somehow pull it out???

Faux footballer Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and his “Boston Rebels” crew - fearing a weather wash-out today - hit the sandy dust bowl of Gillette Stadium yesterday to shoot close-ups and run plays.
Director Andy Fickman, who has had an eye on the wet weather forecast, sent out an emergency call for extras Tuesday night sohe could shoot Johnson and his body double hiking the ball and running one play yesterday.
“They ran the same play a bunch of times - it’s fourth down, 17 yards to go and the quarterback is scrambling,” said our stadium spy. “Only one section of the stands - the one by the end zone near the lighthouse - was filled with fans.”
Rah, rah, rah . . .
BTW, we’re told that Johnson, who plays the quarterback, wears No. 1 on his shirt. Which is just so Disney, don’t cha think? Boring old No. 12 has worked out quite well for the New England Patriots real deal Tom Brady!
All the action heads inside the stadium today - unless the local meteorologists’ forecasts don’t hold water.

Now with the update done.

I Am bored and lonely and am waiting to hear from Maria. We talked brief this afternoon but my Mother fucking phone dropped the call and went dead.

Sad news

Talking to Piper today I came to learn another WWE Great has passed on.

Former WWE Superstar Thomas Spear, professionally known as Corporal Kirchner, passed away of natural causes Sunday in his home in White Marsh, Md.

He will be sadly missed by those who knew him.
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