Sep 04, 2004 15:04
ChrisMysterio619: we ahve to ahng out and catch up on old times
XbeutdisgraceX: mhm
ChrisMysterio619: when are oyu free
XbeutdisgraceX: august.
XbeutdisgraceX: ChrisMysterio619: lol next august
XbeutdisgraceX: yes. next august.
ChrisMysterio619: are you serious
ChrisMysterio619: like no weekends during the school year
XbeutdisgraceX: yes, im serious. i've taken a job on the weekends as a crime fighter and it will be taking all of my time away
moral: dont hit on me if you're annoying.
but the real reason i upated, and pretty much the only roster.
2)english 1R-mckinney
3-4)spanish 1R-storione
6-7)cpt sci R-newsham
8-9)phys sci R-wiley
10)agbra 1R-goldberg
cmment if you have any of those, even if i already know you do, so i know what i havewih wo. or something. blah.