Aug 06, 2010 22:24

I’m going to a camp counselor training for all of next week. I spent Tuesday- Friday at it and found myself in an odd position. This boy named Brandon has been fallowing me around, which wouldn’t be bad except for the fact that he is more annoying than I ever thought a person could be!

This is going to be a rant about how much I hate this kid. Be ready.

He’s supper ugly, thin and acne ridden with serious tan lines. This I wouldn’t mind, but the guy is really stupid and bossy. He tells me were to stand (which is always next to him) and I always say no, and sit beside Erin’s nabor or one of the other 3 friends I have at camp. If you’re not talking to him, and he wants to join the conversation he will walk right up to you and say “that’s really awesome!” or “wow that’s cool!” either that or he waits until everyone is laughing and he walks in laughing with you. He tried to grab my attention all the time in all the wrong ways. I brought a lot of sharpies to camp (don’t know why I just did) and he wrote all over my pencil case “kool” and “lol”. He also took the clip board of the insanely awesome person sitting across from me, and wrote all over it (we were given clip boards to keep our notes in) I had to explain that he was being immature and doing that.

There are so many things that this guy has done to piss me off (and everyone else around me) that I’m not even going to waste my time writing them all down.

Please don’t think that I’m being nice to him, because I’m not. On the first day I was, but now I’m completely not. I’ve be doing my best to be cold to him, not talking, ignoring, I put my legs up on the bus seat beside me so he doesn’t sit beside me on it, I read on the bus so he doesn’t talk to me and I try to get a friend on each side of me so he doesn’t stand next to me and try to talk, BUT HE JUST WON”T STOP! Please help if you have any advice, or a story of your own to tell, feel free to write as much as u would like.
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