why don't you............

Sep 24, 2008 00:41

Sure, I sure as fuck could try.
Yay. I learned my lesson. I read Madame Bovary and now I completely understand what drives the gender of men. After talking inconclusively with others about this subject, I feel like I have a better grip on the (oblivious) lying and deciet.
99.9% of the boys I've "dated" barely remember the conversations we have had. They contradict themselves constantly. Sure, I shouldn't hold someone to what they said 5 years ago, but it's almost like they don't admit that they have changed. That's what bothers me the most. "I've always been this way and I am fucking right". And in a year from now you'll feel differently about everything and everyone and where does that leave me? Nowhere. Nowhere. Nowhere. Men are lucid dreams. Men are intangible. I am a rock. I have come to this conclusion that I have changed and that does bothers me. I liked the me 2, 3, 4, 10 years ago. I still like me. I will probably always like me. But I still feel I lose something every year, and when I notice I've gained something, it's basically always slipping away.
It's been over 2 months since I quit smoking, alot of people said they didn't think I would last a week. In your face.
In everyone's face.
I'm really glad to be starting something new.
Not another dead beat dead end gardner kid.
Fuck gardner. I'm glad I am out of there. Everytime I see someone I know it seems to be no big deal. I really want to smack them and say "WE WENT TO FUCKING HIGHSCHOOL TOGETHER. THIS MEANS YOU HUG ME." But no one's like that but me. And I am not strange, if you think that's strange you should probably kill yourself. (Factoring the living all year round outrageous miles away from everyone of course. If I still lived in gardner, I would probably ignore everyone from highschool too.)
Cool things that have happened to me:
Met Steve Tyler (finally). Most un rock and roll moment of my life. He's so short its obnoxious. And he was going to the bathroom. Carrie met him earlier this week too, we both agreed his appearance matches that of an old lady.
Yes so Halloween fest so psyched.
SO much going on at once !
I lost my cellphone like an idiot now I am getting another one. Pretty happy since I hate unicel. Burnnn down the malls. K.
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