I've disappeared for almost three months and the first time of posting since then turns out to be a meme. Shameful. But for some reason, coming up to the move in early September, followed by an adjustment period in the new lab, followed by a stint in Turkey, I've somehow lost my juice and am in an "eugh" period at the moment. Maybe a meme will kick start my blogging capabilities again. Nicked this from the lovely
Leave me a comment asking "Can you pick my brain?" and then:
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
Questions she asked me were:
1. Alan Rickman as Snape or Alan Rickman as Sheriff of Nottingham?
Snape, Snape, Snape! Like there could be anything else. I so off the beard thing since one really cute hippie millionaire decided to go hardcore on the facial fungus and turned into Jesus. Ew.
2. Why did you chose a career experimenting on lab rats? (And as a tag-on question - which I ask in all honesty: Are your med students still alive?)
It is the natural progression of my life. Like the progression of substance abuse, you always start small with drinking and gradually move on towards drugs and eventually the hardcore stuff. In my case, the natural progression of experimenting with AI in games like The Sims it makes sense I ended up experimenting on lab rats. Hahaha! In all seriousness, I love being in the lab and doing experiments; there is no greater feeling than discovering the cure to heart failure. Lab rats is just a necessary evil in the fight. Oh, and those idiot med students survived. Just.
4. If you had to live anywhere in the world besides London or Paris, where would it be? (Assuming you'd have regular trips to London and Paris).>
How ironic that you ask this question given that I was just in Paris on Saturday. The first thought would be Vienna, possibly. I'd really love to live in a city with lots of culture and history. The fact that architecture in Vienna is 18th century, their version of our radio one plays classical music and the city was home to my favourite queen, makes it very high on the list. On the downside, the Austrians still have mullets and 80s power ballads. So until I have achieved my dream of travelling to every corner of the globe, I will say Vienna. For now.
5. If you were given a day of no consequences, but could only spend it with one other person, who would it be and what would you do?
I have a feeling you would guess I would pick Ewan McGregor. And as much as I adore him, I think I would have to pick Michael Palin instead. I would love to sit him down one day and pick his brain about everything. In my humble opinion, I would regard him as one of the best people around and it would be great to be able to talk to him about his travels and knowledge.
So there. Done! Ha!