
May 29, 2008 22:05


Rules: Comment and I'll list 7 interests of your profile in a reply. Then you do an entry about what they mean and why you are interested in them.

Interests: bambi takada, cross stitch, kanamexsousuke, pokemon, scrapbooking, wheel of time, x

Bambi Takada- I have come to love this woman's doujinshi. Well, mainly her GW doujinshi. She focuses on the relationship between Heero and Relena.  I love how she draws them; so close to the actual art. I've never really looked at her other stuff, and have only been able to buy one of her works. Her Since series is definitely worth a look. It's a pity she stopped working on GW doujinshi in favor of other, newer series, but I guess it was bound to happen eventually.

Cross Stitch- Oh boy. I started cross stitch waaaayyyyyy back in grade school. For anyone that doesn't know, it's exactly what it sounds like. You make little x's on a special material (called aida cloth) that form a picture. I mostly make ornaments and book marks, though I've done a few larger pictures as gifts. I got into cross stitch thanks to my mom. She's been doing it for years and is far better at it than I. I mostly use it as something to keep my hands busy and keep me awake while I watch TV these days. -_-;

KanamexSousuke- Kaname and Sousuke are my favorite pairing from the anime FMP or Full Metal Panic! Watching their relationship progress through the 3 different series (and manga!) is enjoyable. Poor Sousuke is so dense. And Kaname has quite the temper. But when they're getting along, they're just too adorable together.

Pokemon- When I refer to pokemon, I mean the games, not the anime. I got sucked into the complex world of training, breeding, and battling pokemon thanks to my boyfriend. I found myself ignored for large stretches of time for months on end when a new game would come out. So. So I bought myself a gba (game boy advance) and a game. I found out why I was being ignored. It's a race to be the first to beat the elite four, and damn it if the stupid things are addicting. It's like crack, only it has substance and actually causes you to think and remember things.

Scrapbooking- I would think this is fairly self explanatory. I like photos, I like paper, I like stickers. Combine them, and what do  you get? You discover where fair amounts of my money have gone. I'm an artsy-craftsy kind of person, and scrapbooking lets me be creative and productive at the same time. It also generates large amounts of stuff that I have to store... somewhere. Ehehehe...

Wheel of Time- Is a fantasy series by Robert Jordan. I first started this series in high school. The small blurb on the jacket seemed intriguing, so I thought: why not? I've been hooked ever since. The characters are so alive and complex. The plot twists and turns and different characters' separate plots overlap and connect, and... god. It draws you in and never lets you go, in a good way. I think...? Most books I can figure out where the plot is going fairly early on in. Not these. And I think that's one of the reasons I love them so much. There's just so much going on and so many what ifs that it's plenty of food for thought.

X- X is a manga, movie, and anime series. It's the brainchild of Clamp. Need I say more? It's a series full of dram, action, and angst. All things I love. I've heard the movie is poo, but I wouldn't know. I've only seen the anime series, and it was quite well done. The animation quality is excellent.
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