Not much time these days for the internet. Yes, I am alive and doing okay. The bf and I are working things out pretty well. He just eats up a lot of my computer time. But not for long. Ohohoho... I'm getting a laptop, and then we can both be online at the same time. :-)
Went and saw Enchanted Sunday night. It was pretty darn funny, and some of the songs were just too catchy. Darn Disney and it's ability to make music that sticks in your head. The Golden Compass comes out Friday, and I will most likely go see that. I'm sure it will make me mad, but I'm gonna go see it anyway. *grumbles something about Atheists not protesting the Chronicles of Narnia*
ANYway, I should probably go. I've got baking to do, decorating to finish, presents to wrap, cards to send... you get the idea.
Because this seems to be running rampant around the f-list...
On the twelfth day of Christmas,
penybright sent to me...
Twelve miakamouses scrapbooking
Eleven dragon_faeres writing
Ten dragons a-drawing
Nine cats baking
Eight musicals a-reading
Seven books a-sewing
Six icons a-painting
Five bri-i-i-ian jaques
Four video games
Three indiana jones
Two terry brooks
...and a kanda in a culinary.
Kanda and culinary... I laughed my ass off. And hell, I wish my cats were capable of baking. It would make my holidays so much easier.