New babies and backyard fires?

May 25, 2006 16:12

I have a new baby cousin! My aunt had her baby this morning at 9 something. A boy, Gabriel. That now makes 19 grandkids on my mom's side of the family, only 5 of which are girls. Sheesh. Anyways, everyone is doing fine, and I can't wait to see him! Unfortunetly we won't be going down to cincinnati until mid july.

In other news, my backyard caught fire last night... I wasn't home, but my mom said they were sitting in the family room watchign TV and she heard voices in our backyard. So, she looked, and low and behold it was firemen! I guess the brushpile we have in the back corner of our yard caught fire (not sure how) and we didn't even know. They put the fire out from one of my neighbor's yards, so I'm assuming they saw it and called, and then came over here to see if they could figure out why it started. One of the firemen said there was like a 10 foot flame coming out of it. Craziness. They thought it might be a down electrical wire or something, but it wasn't. Who knows. Perhaps one of the neighbors was smoking and flicked a cigarette back there? It's a mystery. Anyways, all is well, and the tree back there is only slightly charred... Makes for good story telling now I suppose.

That about wraps up the excitement in my life for now though. Hasta!
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