Title: Selene
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing/Characters: Elizabeth(/Jack)
Rating: G
Disclaimer: They all belong to Disney, etc etc
Summary: Old memories under the light of a lunar eclipse. A drabble-y attempt to rouse my muse from her essay-induced coma...
Twelve years and Elizabeth does not think often of Captain Jack Sparrow.
There are the children to look to, young Bill all thumbs in the forge, Esther always with her head in the clouds, and Joshua colicky and bawling. She takes him out to the garden at night, to let Will have his rest, and if the sea whispers around her lullaby it’s just another sound in the darkness.
One night the house is quiet but she still can’t sleep, and she walks out alone under a red-shadowed moon, the crimson stain of it colder than chain links in her hands, and the smell of salt in the air.
She does not think of Jack Sparrow at all.