This was my first ever Yuletide, and I had a fantastic time! I was the lucky recipient of not one but two stories:
A Small Affair by
fourthage (CS Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia) - Cor/Aravis: going about the business of the kingdom, chatting and bickering and being wonderfully them, with all sorts of glimpses of the wider world around Archenland. Really hit a lot of my buttons for these two.
My Brother by bessemerprocess (Bible - Old Testament/Hebrew Bible) - Isaac, Ishmael: two brothers burying their father in love and friendship, despite their destinies.
I wrote two stories, conveniently in the same fandoms:
My assigned story was
Wild Honey (Bible - Old Testament/Hebrew Bible) - David/Bathsheba, David/Jonathan: memories of love long lost tempt the weary king into sin, and some kind of beginning. This was a really interesting one to write, as I'm not really sure I 'buy' David/Jonathan, and because I was writing fanfic for something I study academically- this lead to agonising over how historically accurate to try and make it, basing my characterisation of Bathsheba on something I read in a narrative-critical commentary, and an absurd level of inter-textual geekery. A prize for anyone who can tell me the incident in the Saul-David arc from which the name stems.
For Yuletide Treats, I wrote
A Good Queen (CS Lewis - Chronicles of Narnia) - Lucy, Tumnus: looking Eastwards in the aftermath of LWW, and different kinds of homesickness. This generated a lot of attention for reversing an apparently common trope in Narnia!fic, of the Pevensies missing Narnia when they return to England- I'm not really in the fandom, so this didn't occur to me as I was writing it, but in retrospect I find it hard to see why. Lucy and Edmund at least are children when they go into Narnia, and even Peter isn't that old- I'm older than he is and I still miss my home when I'm just somewhere else in the country, let alone in another world. But anyway, it was fun to write in a universe that I have loved for many many years.