Name: Vivian
Age: Somewhere in her thousands; acts as if she's in her teens
Eyes: Does she even have any?
Hair: Pink and curly~
Height: Around three feet, four if you include her hat. She can float higher, though.
Weight: Light enough that she floats.
Medical Info: Vivian is a transwoman! More on that
here. Feel free to know this via magic/telepathy/being one of those people who know EVERYTHING.
Physical Traits: PURPLE BLOB MADE OF SOLID SHADOW. Think like a genie, only with the "tail" connecting to her shadow rather than to a lamp. :|b
What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Anything! SHE'S FROM A MARIO GAME, meta is not only welcome but expected |D Expect her to go "|o?" if you're bringing up adult stuff, though.
Abilities: Vivian has four attacks in the game: Shade Fist, Veil, Fiery Jinx, and Infatuate.
- Shade Fist: She punches you! This may also set you ON FIRE and cause Burned status.
- Veil: This is the big one. Vivian has the ability to pull herself (and another person, if she chooses) into her shadow, thus leaving them both impervious to harm. While like this, she can also teleport to places she's been. In addition, she's shown using it to eavesdrop on birds, who apparently gossip while they think no one else is listening.
- Fiery Jinx: She sets you ON FIRE via magic, also possibly causing Burned status. This one cuts through physical defense and can be done over a distance versus several attackers.
- Infatuate: She blows a kiss, which will either cause Confusion or Charm you if it's effective. Depends on how you want to play it/your video game canon, if applicable. Can also be used as a distance attack against multiple enemies.
Her shadow powers are restricted to Veil, but her fire powers are a lot closer to pyrokinesis. She is damaged by fire in the game; so I'll play that as being able to control her own fire, and maaaaybe effect fire with other causes if she's focusing hard enough. If someone else with fire abilities takes potshots at her, she'd be able to reduce the damage, but she'd still get hit with it.
Notes for the Psychics/Empaths: Most of the time it'll be running commentary of a slightly ADD nature on whatever is going on/her surroundings ("lalala oooh look at the pretty bird... I wonder if it has a nest? Maybe I can find it-- oh hey there's a flower there!" etc); she will have moments of pretty deep depression, usually triggered by messing something up or remembering that she's stuck in camp while Mario could be needing her help. THERE IS A HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX HERE, FOLKS!
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: SURE 8D poke me and we will figure something out! The rest is fine too as long as I get a heads-up for anything serious; just don't be surprised when she sets you on fire for it |D
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: She will blush and flail and stammer and possibly cry depending on the context. By which I mean DO IT.
Maim/Murder/Death: Nnnnnnno. Knocking her out in child-friendly RPG style is A-OK as long as you contact me first, though.
Cooking: Not yet, although she'll probably start learning so she can make things for people she likes ♡