(no subject)

May 21, 2007 21:37

Either this machine is malfunctioning, or LJ is defucnt.

*gives computer a small electric shock*

Hmm, that's better.

I suppose I might as well relate what has been happening in my life.

The weekend was fairly innocuous. As usual, I got up late, after my friday night shift, and spent the afternoon at my Power Applicaton Class. I'm improving, certainly. I can now at least apply enough electricity to keep this machine running, and heat up a kettle in a matter of seconds. I'm glad they've finally made some provision in this town for the electric troll population. We might be a minority, indeed we are, but an untrained electric troll is a menace to everyone. (Although personally, I think the vampyres are worse, but don't tell anyone I said that).

But I still keep having slight accidents.... but the less said about that, the better.

Oh, hang on. None of this is exactly how it used to be, is it? I never used to attent Power Application Class. I never used to have my own electricity to manage. I never used to be the receptionist of this particualr institution of Vice, Bloody Mary's House of Ill Repute. But somehow, now all this is true. I keep getting flashes of the normal, past reality, but as soon as I try to really think about it, my mind shies away from it as if it isn't there. It's so very frustrating.

Anyway, back to my account of interesting occurrences... on Saturday evening I got back to work, business as usual. An interesting customer tonight though. A nasty little rot-gob. All the girls refused him. In the ended, I had to call Madam Jezebella to ask him to leave. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a product of that toxic lake that the Evil Overlord Ollimandeus keeps, up at Mildert Mansion.

I attended Reactor on sunday, as usual. Didn't speak to anyone, as usual. I sort of wondered about speaking to a ncie young lady on the next power-pack, but somehow... I never seem to have the courage. She looked very absorbed in Charging, anyway.

It's quite worrying how no one else seems to realise that everything is entirely wrong. I haven't seen that chav, or that Anna, since last week, when the new dimension got registered... apparently we were on the slide away from normality anyway, so it was only a matter of time... but I can't help wondering if life was better, before... I suppose I'll never know now.
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