In the centuries since, Christians have tried to tame the Resurrection, shoring it up with logical and historical proofs, talking about it as if it makes perfect sense if you only think about it. But a resurrection that has merely become a comforting tale of hope is not the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus announces a new world order, doing so first by upsetting and demolishing the old world order. It is not the mere resuscitation of a body, but a signal that everything that is dead-predictable, rigid, lifeless, and orderly-is going to be made unpredictable, free, lively, and new.
That's the type of thing God does. He shatters the order that has become an oppressive order. He throws out of control that which had been hyper-controlled. He forces everyone to make a choice: hold on tighter to the life made in our image, or let go and see the new, liberating thing God is doing in our midst.
~from "
Good News: Jesus Is Not Nice"