Counter Climate Crisis - Take the Pledge
Target: United States Senate
Sponsor: Greenpeace Project Thin Ice
GOAL: 100,000
DEADLINE: Ongoing ...
We can't afford to wait. Already the Arctic has lost over 386,100 square miles of sea ice - an area larger than Texas - due to climate change. This fragile ecosystem, while inhospitable to human life, supports polar bears, walrus and numerous other creatures. And they are all in peril because of the effects of global warming.
Pledge to fight global warming, and call on your elected officials to limit our global warming pollution and provide strong incentives for renewable sources and energy efficiency!
Higher temperatures threaten dangerous consequences: drought, disease, floods, and the loss of precious endangered species. And amid the threat from rising oceans and extreme weather, global warning’s effects have already begun.
But solutions are in sight: We know where most heat-trapping gasses come from: power plants and vehicles. And we know how to curb their emissions: modern technologies and stronger laws.
Please sign!! Thank you. :D