[/dev/urandom] Rawr.

Mar 07, 2009 21:41

Y'know, there's something I've missed for the last five years. All through college I used to drink delicious Dr. Pepper, one of the bestest drinks around. Unfortunately, the last five years Dr. Pepper had stopped being sold in a lot of shops about the place.

I did get my tasty cola fix with Vanilla Coke. It had a similar taste, but it just didn't feel as awesome.

I found out recently that a candy store near the Hobart State Library imported it. Lots of it. And they sell it too. Which is a couple of blocks from where I work.


Also, I'm posting this from my Linux machine. Managed to get a GeForce 9800GT to replace the one that burnt out in it, and stuck a half terabyte harddrive in it. Xubuntu 8.10 went on without too much of a hassle. Now to reinstall mah games on it with wine.

For those that don't know, my ID on steam is Muck. I currently have a little rubber ducky picture. Suggested by Captain Vegetable. :3
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