Some more memories of the dream surfaced though. There are still so many gaps that it would be tedious to try to coax a narrative out of it... so here's just bits I remember in no order at all:
- team trivia at a new place where nobody showed up, so I left and came back and jecooksubether, whom IRL I haven't seen in five years, was there.
- somewhere near my old office, a gigantic video arcade was opening up. IRL, I no longer live nor work in that area but awesome things are being built. Also in my real neighborhood, endgame opened which would be awesome if I were still an active gamer.
- found myself in a home full of strangers. they had cats. including some super tiny kittens that were hiding in the stairs. I made friends with them but didn't learn their names or memorize their address so I could come back.
now I'm awake and it's 9:30 maybe breakfast can happen now....