There was a
headline on Digg:
Limbaugh: I Hope Obama Fails. OK, I've been baited.
In the article, he says that people were hoping Bush would fail, and that he hopes he fails specifically at nationalizing the banks, health care, and automobile industry. He didn't really say whether he hoped Obama's efforts to do this would fail, or whether he hoped that Obama's policies, once enacted, would fail. The former means he's championing his small-government position; the latter means he'd like to see the country in ruins just so he can gloat. And when determining which one he means, I must take into consideration that he wrote a book during the Clinton administration called "See, I Told You So."
He's truly the Uri Geller of politics. He can do four dime-store magic tricks, and he's convinced a few million people that he has supernatural powers. We can debunk him until we're all blue in the face, but he has an impenetrable shield of ad revenue.