Jun 13, 2013 15:16
Dinner was steamed wheat noodles with mole, mung bean, ogbono nut and chipmunk. He stared at it grimly. The mole would add some flavor, the nuts and mung beans were critical. After all mung beans were one of the best sprouts that they could manage even in the caves, without worrying that their harvest would be ruined by a ravager. The chipmunk...was hardest to swallow. Metaphorically and literally. He'd always thought they were cute little things, fun to watch out of his window, and a childhood spent watching Disney films meant that he was thoroughly inculcated with how irresistibly adorable and always on the side of good they were. You never saw a Wicked Witch and her flying chipmunks, or an evil stepmother with a chipmunk perched happily on her shoulder grinning at you. And literally, there was so little meat on the thing and its bones were so tiny and sharp, it was almost not worth the trouble. That could be said about their whole life, though, and had been said by some. He wouldn't say that, because the thing that made it all worthwhile crouched in front of him, holding the little chipmunk leg with her fingers and sucking the marrow from the bones with loud smacking noises. She saw him looking and beamed at him. "Want some, Dada?"
Inspiration: Chaotic Shiny's meal generator. Yup. They added the chipmunk, not me.
Story potential: Low.
Notes: Eh.
genre undetermined,
low potential