The Company Upgrade: Science Fiction

Nov 06, 2010 10:11

He knew he'd made the big time when they took away his hands. Oh, sure, eyes--eyes (one eye, psychologists said it was important to keep one original eye, even if it did look at the world from behind a streaming screen) came first. That was pretty much the hiring bonus. Here, have this check, go out and get drunk--take some sober-up and come in tomorrow for surgery at 2 PM. Ears, well, ears were optional. Not that much more useful than an earpiece, really, and you might even lose some hearing ability with it. He'd opted in. But hands--you didn't get hands until you were going to be accessing some seriously high-level stuff! His girlfriend wasn't as excited.

Inspiration: Thinking I hadn't done a body-mod one in a while.
Story Potential: Medium.
Notes: And then he loses his job/company goes under, and what's a poor heavily modded dude to do?

work, science fiction, medium potential, cyborg, body modification

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