The Impossible Thief: Genre Undetermined

Jul 20, 2010 10:09

He was a very flamboyant thief, everybody agreed, and it was entirely incomprehensible how he'd managed to not be caught so far. I mean, look at him! Harlequin costume, dangling out of windows, laving behind calling cards--heck, sending calling cards ahead so that owners would know to polish their jewelry properly so that it would soon be on display!? Impossible. And so that was what he became known as: the impossible thief. They never knew just how close to right they were, for he was a Philosopher, not a thief, and stole only to pay for his Philosophy. Once you get past the stiles who stood on stones and let worms eat them, Philosophy became a much more serious, and luxurious, profession.

Inspiration: Voices in my head.
Story Potential: Medium. High
Notes: Something to do with observability making reality and laws of probability, etc. Not so much in terms of story, though I suppose it could be fun to do a series of stories in which different philosophies account for the way the theft is done. Okay, maybe that would be a fun challenge. And very 1920s, somehow.

philosophy, spec fic, high potential, series, thief

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