a bad mood

Dec 22, 2006 12:06

Tonight I am going out with Dan to go to a concert. It's his christmas present and I hope he likes it. I am also taking him out for Greek food and if it is a good place I am totally going with you jimmy. anyways besides that yesterday I went to pam's dress rehersal wedding thing for the choir and it was so not cool. I seemed to get into a bad mood by the minute. Someone cannot sing in the choir so it sounds horrible and I dont really want to be a part of a bad choir but I cannot tell anyone. Pam was just sitting there being all girly with Carri while her Mom basically planned everything and well I just felt so out of place. Dan did not talk to me once during the whole evening because he was so into his cool music. I can understand but it would have been nice. I was very happy when my dad came to pick me up and we went to the mall and had chicken teryiaki. It was soooooooo good. So that was my day. Oh and I talked to Kelsey. I know everything about her life. She is doing good and I am so glad that we are friends. Talk later
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