wow I really have nothing to talk about

Nov 30, 2009 01:55

So I guess I should say hello to all the rad people I met all over at That Friending Meme! Y'all are pretty cool dudes and I look forward to getting to know/harassing/tl;dr-ing with you. Fair warning: I am rather awkward and suck at replying to comments, but that doesn't mean I don't think you're awesome 'cause I do, let's chat it up. (THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE ON MY FLIST BY THE WAY)

If I am too lazy to reply to comments here (often) you can also catch me on twitter, I tweet obsessively and use it more as a chat tool than anything because I am too awkward for proper real-time chat, hurr. (nevertheless I have aim, although I'm almost never on)

Things about my life right now: I HATE COLLEGE ARRRRGH, SO MUCH POINTLESS WORK, WEEPING TEARS OF BLOOD, FUCKING DATIVE. I complain about school a lot in a fairly non-specific but endearingly profane way. I complain about Russian the most because that's the only class I actually like. Did I ever tell you about the Soviet-era language video we watched with the middle-aged man stripping to the Internationale? Now I did. (by the way, I am still considering that rename but AAAAH MONEY) (also by the way, everyone in Soviet-era language videos is an engineer and works at the factory. На заводе, not в, and I will remember that until the day I die. Sob.)

(Is this icon still terrible and sexy? Yes.)


EDIT: I have some Google Wave invites if anyone wants one! Just...don't ask me to tell you how to use it. Because I am so confused right now. If you want one get me your email somehow; I can screen comments or f-lock this entry if it makes you feel better. Email, PM, and DMs on twitter are also acceptable.

let's chat it up, school

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