Mar 23, 2004 18:58
Long day, yo. What to say?
Physics was ok. I need to brush up on some rotational stuff, but otherwise ok. I came home, ate, and did the many dishes in my sink. I printed out the lecture for Pop Bio as well as my papers that I had to read for my lab this evening. Pop Bio was ok. It was very abstract, as usual. We got out 20 minutes early, so that was nice. I putzed around, and went to Chick-fil-a for lunch/dinner. I thought it was much later than it really was, for some reason. I went to the library and read my papers and went over them with a fine tooth comb to pick up anything and everything I could speak about in my lab since I haven't said much for the past two weeks.
When I got to lab, I had an unfortunate surprise. It turns out when I pulled up the last two papers she posted for our group, those papers were intended for next weeks class. Rats. But, I got half credit on the quiz from just quickly reading the abstracts, which isn't bad, considering she only asks two questions for the lab. I also managed to blurt out a few things for the discussion, so hopefully she'll count that as participating.
Tonight I'll do physics, bleh. Oh well. C'est la vie.