SGA ficlets, Tomorrow it will all be over and the spam will stop. Probably.

Dec 13, 2006 16:00

One totally random Rodney rant, and two AU/crossovers.

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methos in atlantis, fic, ficlets, john-117, sga

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Comments 13

rokeon December 13 2006, 23:37:25 UTC
OMGHalo!John!!!! And Cortana!Elizabeth!, who I totally wouldn't have picked - I would have thought Rodney for the tech stuff or Teyla as his guide/helper, but Elizabeth is perfect as an AI. And Halo! And Atlantis! *flails madly*


pentapus December 14 2006, 00:03:12 UTC
HAHAHA. I have been sitting here agonizing: "GOD, WHY DON'T I KNOW MORE FANGIRLS WHO PLAY HALO. NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND THE AWESOMENESS. IT IS A THING OF BEAUTY." And then hotmail said, "lj comment from rokeon!" and thought, "Oh well, she probably commented on the highlander thing at least, I guess I'll survive. :(((("

BUT SERIOUSLY. John as master chief! And the Forerunners would make great Ancients--with their batshit A.I. floating soccer ball and their plan to defeat the space vampires space zombies by KILLING EVERYONE THEY COULD EAT (nanovirus, anyone?).

I was going to say something about picking Elizabeth instead of the more obvious John sidekicks (short story: because she totally reminds me of Cortana more than anybody else, and the translating alien communications--totally her thing), but then I started thinking what other characters ARE there besides the cannonfodder Marines? And then I thought: Hee hee, artbiter!Rodney, hee hee hee.



rokeon December 14 2006, 00:37:05 UTC
John really would make a fantastic one man army SPARTAN. And he's definitely got the whole "must not lead the evil aliens back to Earth" protocol down.

Haven't played Halo2, so I don't know about the arbiter, but I could see Rodney as the moniter- didn't that thing have a dim view of humans and float around calling itself a genius all the time?

Killing all the food is totally the kind of plan I could see the Ancients coming up wih once they'd ascended out of the way- this is the first time I've ever thought of non-intervention as a good thing. Better for the humans to be ignored than exterminated as collateral damage.


pentapus December 14 2006, 01:30:58 UTC
So, the arbiter is the Covenant general (an elite) who was in charge of the forces at Halo. And Halo is apparently a HOLY PLACE and the big bads are like, "BAD ELITE. WE BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING." and then they torture him and strip his armor and make him pay penance by wearing this totally old crappy so that even though you get to play levels as an ELITE, and elites are FUCKING BADASS (especially in Halo 2), it is no different from master chief and you are disappointed. A lot.

So, you are stuck between "He's a good guy" and "DAMN HE'S ANNOYING. SHUT UP ABOUT THE GUILT." So Rodney as the arbiter was less because it would and more a personal: HAHAHA. WOULDN'T IT BE FUNNY IF THE ARBITER WERE *ACTUALLY* ANNOYING?!

But 343 Guilty Spark Rodney? Oh god, it's perfect. Yesyesyes. I mean, I overlooked it because of the crazy homicidal maniac tendencies, but no--perfect.


thetruebard December 14 2006, 18:58:33 UTC


I had to wait all night to see this, our internet was down, and...


...coherency, coherency, right, let's see...

No, no, no coherency here. It is all too fucking AWESOME. ♥


spikeykun December 14 2006, 22:48:27 UTC
seconded... tho I almost wish it was Rodney as the holographic sidekick with the occasional quips... Elizabeth strikes me as a bit straightlaced...


pentapus December 15 2006, 20:40:10 UTC
No, Rodney is 343 Guilty Spark!


Halo Books and Movie radditzuchan June 1 2007, 12:27:01 UTC
You. You! Please tell me you've seen some RvB? XD When they first posted about doing the 15 min reel for the begining of the Halo movie I squeeled, then turned and started to say our geekdom was complete... before brain draining to the point where it clicked.

Movie. Halo. Movie. XD It's not possible to have Joe Flannigan as Our beloved MC, but we can always re-cast him. *evil grin*
And you do a brilliant job with the ficlet sized bits. Loved the Methos idea, and would pay Mucho Monies to see either the Halo or Methos bits made into fics...

If you want a great Halo fix though, Go to amazon *right* now. Do not wait. I can not recomend the books enough, and they lead into the movie and... I am such a fandom butterfly. *goes to hide, and play with my PSO/Harry Potter crossover ficlets* You inspire me to post, and that's a bad bad thing. *laughs*


kensieg August 17 2007, 02:16:21 UTC
the Rodney/Methos thing was so cute and OMG!


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