Prompts again, kind of

Jan 30, 2014 18:24

I gave asking for prompts on tumblr a try earlier today, but for reasons enumerated there, I am not really... arty at the moment.

I don't know if anyone wonders why I don't fill all prompts/ask for more soon after not filling all from the last request. Here's some general rambling:

- a lot of the prompts end up being stuff I can't quite paint a picture for. That's not quality or appropriateness of the prompt, just me not being able to come up with an idea for it

- some of them are things I could have told you ahead of time that I wasn't going to draw (so feel free to leave several). But unless you consistently ask for only dominant slash pairings with NO lady options, ever, then I am not silently judging you. :P (and even if I am, keep liking what you like, ok?)

- even the prompts that I can paint a picture for, there's kind of a "shelf life" for when I have the most energy from that idea, just after it's first caught hold and it kind of depends on luck how many prompts I get before that runs out

- it's a positive fun thing to get prompts. I really like reading them, and I draw best when I read a lot of them. Options, options, options! Unfortunately when there isn't fandom overlap between requesters, the fact that your teen wolf prompt helped this hockey picture get drawn is probably not that great for you

- feeling guilty about unfilled prompts would mean I never got any art done or asked for any prompts ever, so I basically made the unilateral decision that is okay not to fill prompts (and I'm pretty certain most of you agree with me on that, but I had to make a personal internal ruling, because I am very pleasing people/other's happiness oriented, so I want to make something for you when you take the time to prompt me)

So thank you for leaving prompts. I know you don't have to, and I really enjoy it. :) Even though I say I don't feel bad about unfilled prompts, I do try not to ask for them unless I have a good chance of finishing 2 or 3. Which is not today. But please give me lots anyway.

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