Treehouse? Challenges?

Jan 16, 2014 09:24

I have my yuletide reveal plus gifts post about half-coded. I am going to squee about all of my gifts even if it takes until October. Also, I keep getting home from work and planning to draw but sleeping instead. But it feels so good ( Read more... )

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tucuxi January 20 2014, 16:48:02 UTC
I mean, I'm pretty much always up for Treehouse. But I should probably finish my Raksura story for you before I make any more commitments, huh? ;)

As for fandoms: MCU, Raksura, Naruto, any other Martha Wells (seriously, almost any of her books), I dunno. If I knew Ronin Warriors I'd be all over that, but I don't. I'm basically up for writing almost any fandom I know. (Except RPF.)

I'd gladly write a kickass-women-of-the-Avengers something, or a Captain America something. But like I said. Let me finish making Moon drive everyone crazy first. :D

Do you have any familiarity with Saiunkoku Monogatari? It's awesome, and I've been looking for an excuse to write for it. Brief synopsis: Shuhei is the only heir of an old but very poor noble family. She wants desperately to be a court official and help the government solve the people's problems, but women can't be court officials in this particular version of classical China. When a government minister comes to her home and offers her an extravagant amount of money to help the country, she accepts. Then she finds out that her "help" is this: become the concubine of the new emperor, whose hands-off approach to government is making everyone worried. She does, despite misgivings (after all, the emperor only likes men, right?) and the story of how she meets him and gets her feet on the path of becoming a government official despite all the obstacles in her path is heartwarming and engaging. Also full of characters with appropriately traumatic backstories and hidden pasts and so on, because really, why not. One of the few "I'm just going to make it work" female anime protagonists who doesn't make me facepalm every other episode.


pentapus January 20 2014, 19:08:09 UTC
That show sounds amazing. Do you know where I could read/watch it?


tucuxi January 20 2014, 19:41:01 UTC
It's one of those shows from the early 2000s that sort of got lost. The first season was licensed and is available on DVD -- but after volume one, the DVD prices go up into the hundreds of dollars, and iirc Netflix doesn't have it. So getting it legally can be tough. The second season never got licensed, as far as I know (and I haven't seen it yet).

I believe the manga can be found on, but I haven't read it, only watched the first season of the anime.


pentapus January 21 2014, 01:24:56 UTC
So the answer is... not legally. XD


tucuxi January 21 2014, 01:34:44 UTC
Oh my god, LJ hates me tonight so much. Apologies for all the deleted comments.

You can find it streaming. Check out love my anime dot net.


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