Yuletide guessing game

Dec 27, 2013 15:14

I got about TEN stories for yuletide this year, and when the family Christmas machine finally spits me out, I will tell you ALL ABOUT THEM. I only just this morning managed to finish commenting on them all. (Self, I thought -- why don't you just cut and paste into a separate window everytime you hit a good bit? Easy commenting! Turns out, this is ( Read more... )


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alessandriana December 28 2013, 00:10:07 UTC
I flipped out when I saw how much YST fic there was this year. Like, rolling on the floor in glee, seriously.

As for guesses: The Mountain of the Rightful Emperor. :3


pentapus December 29 2013, 19:16:28 UTC
I know, right? And a lot of it was for meeeee! It took me four days to comment on all my stories, so I haven't read much of anything that wasn't gifted to me.

Haha, yst is definitely something I could write. We'll see. :)


alessandriana December 30 2013, 02:04:25 UTC
Well, it's either by you, or someone who read your yuletide letter very, very closely. ;) I actually thought it was for you at first, and was impressed by how many of the requests they'd managed to squeeze in.

p.s. I am starting to read the Raksura books, and you are correct, they're awesome.


pentapus December 31 2013, 02:21:49 UTC
God, uh, if that were my story, that would be kind of embarrassing. Since you know, I'd hope it would match the recipient's letter. *facepalm* But, hey, it mainly has that bit about Ryo dancing! And I think everyone would agree with that! Right? Right?

p.s. Yes, they ARE. And there is some good fic for them on AO3! Some of it I was delighted to receive for yuletide this year. :D :D


alessandriana December 31 2013, 02:37:18 UTC
*snrk* Erm. But I went and read the recipient's letter, and yes, it certainly matches up with that one as well! Especially the bits about Shuu. And the story was amazing enough that I'm sure anyone would have been happy to receive it. Especially Ryo dancing! ;)

oh god i didn't intend to imply that sorryyyy :p

p.s. I think I actually read some of last year's Yuletide fic for it, which is what prompted finally reading the books. Suddenly things are making much more sense!
p.p.s. Mooooooon, why are you so adorable??


pentapus December 31 2013, 03:05:52 UTC
Oh no, you're good - you didn't imply anything bad at all. Or at least nothing that wasn't true. XD If you were correct, I would just be laughing at myself because -- true, you know? I do feel confident (mostly) that the story I wrote for yuletide matched my recipient's letter. Any story I write will have my headcanon and my take on the characters, but I hadn't thought of that in terms of my yuletide letter before.

p.p.s. I know, right? And all the cuddling. And just the right amount of hurt comfort and family grumpiness and, sigh, I love those books. My friend and I still quote repeatedly Stone's response to Moon thinking Stone was hitting him -- "See this scar? This scar is older than you." *loves*


alessandriana January 1 2014, 17:12:14 UTC
XD And on my end, I don't think we've ever discussed really YST, so all I had to go on was the Yuletide letter.

p.p.s. Yessss. I just got to the part in the third book where Stone finally shows up at Onyx Night-- "You've got something of mine," awwwwww. Can't wait til I catch up so I can read fic. Are there any more books planned in the series, or is it a standalone trilogy, do you know?


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