Oh ideas.

Aug 25, 2013 20:43

I have drawn 9 sketches (for 8 people signed up) for Treehouse Reversebang: Books of the Raksura, and I still have half a dozen ideas that I am going, "AW, WHY DIDN'T I DRAW THAT."

So, it's... uh... fun so far.

me: So I still want to draw 1) Moon's colony-not-destroyed AU, 2) Moon surrounded by other consorts, 3) Jade with some strong emotional expression -- possibly "murder", and 4) Hmm... can't remember. Stone in the sea realms maybe, or just Stone and Moon. Or Moon with a scary queen.
Ileliberte: doing what with a scary queen?
me: Being threatened by one? Mutual threats? Skeptical stares?
Look, I just want Jade to kick the shit out of somebody.
Ileliberte: ok, valid point. XD

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cloud roads, treehouse reversebang

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