Treehouse Reversebang: BOOKS OF THE RAKSURA

Aug 20, 2013 22:47

ETA: These sign-ups are permanently open. I will let you know how quickly I can make you a prompt depending on RL at the time.

(5 sec guide: Raksura are shape-shifters with interesting politics, reversed gender roles, and sharp claws. I recommend the books.)

The Basic Idea
I will draw you a BOOKS OF THE RAKSURA picture as a prompt for a BOOKS OF THE RAKSURA story. Your story must be about 1K words (or more), and it must be written so that the picture (on some level) makes sense as an illustration for your story.

Here are some of the previous prompts I’ve drawn: Finished Treehouse Reversebang

Deadlines and Finished Stories
I will give you a mostly-finished sketch within a month of your request. Please pick a reasonable deadline for yourself (e.g. 2-3 months post receipt of picture). When your story is finished, the story will be posted with embedded art to AO3 with you and me as coauthors. Then we wait for fame and glory.

Expect that your picture might have ANYTHING in it. You are happy about this! It's a challenge!
Interpret your prompt in ANY WAY that works for you. If I can draw anything, you can write anything.
Keep me updated on how you are doing, even if how you are doing is AWFUL AND QUITTING IN TEARS.

Realize you don't know what to write, feel guilty, and go AWOL so I don't get mad at you. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I WILL GET MAD AT YOU. The instant you email me to LET ME KNOW what your status is, that is the instant I stop being mad. SCOUT'S HONOR.

If you’re interested, please comment to this post with
1) email
2) your deadline (a date or a period of time)
3) a statement that you are ready for anything
4) Preferred characters and likes/dislikes (I will try to respect these as long as they don't get too specific)
5) You may have ONE hard no-go, be specific (e.g. NO NON-RAKSURAN AUs or NO UNHAPPY FACES or NO BABIES) [Note that my pictures will NEVER have explicit sexual content.]
6) Would you want to (a) see 2-3 sketches of possible prompts and choose which one I should finish OR (b) be surprised with a finished prompt?

This fandom is small. I can probably draw as many pictures as people want. If too many sign up, I'll pick a mix of people I know and people I don't.

And some final PLEASE DOs: ask questions, and share this link with anyone you think would like to participate. :)


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cloud roads, th rb: sign ups, treehouse reversebang

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