Art: Kakashi/Iruka (Naruto)

Jul 23, 2013 22:08

I participated in kakairu_Fest's summer round - Team Bingo.

I made two fanworks for the challenge, one of them in a hotel room in my travel sketchbook with my only working micron pen + a black sharpie. I had to ask the front desk to scan it for me on their awful, awful scanner (it was meant for text, not images), and then I spent an hour in the lobby cleaning it up with my laptop's trackpad. While my coworker asked with increasing desperation if we were going to leave for the airport soon. NEVER AGAIN.

I'm on Team AU so, psst, you should vote for them. Voting isn't until next weekend. I'll give you a heads up when it starts. ;) Hawk and Wolf, Kakashi/Iruka, PG
Animals AU - specifically a LadyHawke fusion

Falling, Kakashi/Iruka, PG
Supernatural/Angels and Demons AU

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art cute, art color, naruto, art, art naruto

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