Treehouse Reversebang: Avengers, Natasha/Clint, Maria

Apr 26, 2013 07:29

Here is the second of the new(ish) Reversebang stories! I felt guilty initially because I had given tielan a set of characters that were not her first choice, but having read the story, I regret nothing. Fantastic Clint and Natasha, with some great outsider POV of Natasha (also, I like that - for not very long, admittedly - you are worred for Natasha's physical safety which becomes worry for her emotional well being, because, uh, she has the physical well in hand) plus great team dynamic with Maria as the new handler. Basically, it's a story about Natasha's anger and how well Clint (and to a lesser extent, Maria) know Natasha. :D The Guy, The Spy, His Not-Wife, And Their Handler by tielan
It should be a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a date rape drug must be in want of a brain.

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