Rec me some challenges?

Apr 22, 2013 21:37

Not too long ago I started a job that doesn't give me a lot of time to spend surfing the fannish corner of the web. As a result, I am woefully under-informed about anything happening in fandom, and I've been relying on the kindness of my flist to let me know when something fun is happening. On that note -

Are there any challenges that accept art going on in your fandom? Please let me know! I would like to sign up.

My main fandoms are Hockey RPF, Naruto, Avengers, and Highlander, but also FMA, The Losers, various animes, ST:Reboot, XMFC, new Bond, Temeraire, Vorkosigan, Neal Stephenson, Martha Wells. That said, I am always interested in being introduced to new fandoms. :)

(Also, 2 new Treehouse Reversebang fics were finished and posted while I was gone! Fantastic! I will posted links + art for them tomorrow.)

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misc fandom, inquiry

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