"Treehouse" Reversebang: Naruto, Kakashi/Iruka

Dec 13, 2012 14:36

Here is a belated post for tucuxi's story for "Treehouse" Reversebang. Oh my god, guys, I made so much flailing when she sent me this. World-building! Action! Details! Ninjas! Plot! And just a touch of peril and worry. My favorite is how you get so much information about Kakashi's relationship with Iruka when Iruka isn't even in the room. I cannot believe the story she made out of my picture. SO HAPPY. Breaking and Entering On AO3 On LJ by tucuxi
No warnings, 17k word count, action and world-building with a side of KakaIru
Kakashi notices an intruder in Iruka's apartment, and finds rather more than he bargained for.

If you need some intro to Naruto fandom, I previously recced it here and a bit here. Basically: it's a ninja village in psuedo-modern japan with plenty of world-building by way of mixing the bad ass with the mundane - a.k.a. deadly secret techniques + paperwork and politics. ♥

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/51720.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (

art color, fic, naruto, art, art naruto

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