"Treehouse" Reversebang: Avengers, Gen, Tony, Clint, Natasha

Oct 03, 2012 14:23

Another Treehouse Reversebang fic! \o/ This one is by
pollyrepeat, who was one of the coauthor's on well, let the drum beat drop, an avengers ensemble team fic that I fucking loved. And luckily for me, when instead of just commenting that I fucking loved it, I sort of threw myself and this reversebang thing at them, neither of them backed away slowly. Which leads us here -- to VICTORY.

He hit the heights at breakneck speed by
PG-13, Avengers, Tony, Clint, Natasha
In which Natasha gives the thumbs-up to Tony Stark and the Iron Man suit, the Avengers Initiative starts a little differently, and Tony finds himself spending a lot of time with assassins and/or spies.

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/51077.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (

treehouse reversebang, art, avengers, art avengers, art cute, art color, fic, th rb: fills

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