Reversebang Fic/Art: Highlander/Valdemar by MarbleGlove and Pentapus

Jul 13, 2012 08:52

The next Treehouse Reversebang story is done! Actually, it's two stories, because marbleglove wrote two separate possible scenarios to the prompt. Understandable I think, since she prompted me with a Methos crossover and then listed freaking Valdemar as a possibility. GOLD, RIGHT THERE. One is a fantastic, warm story with a bit of Teacher!Methos. The other gives us angst and Curmudgeon!Methos. I cannot decide which companion I like more. Read both!

Seventh Times a Charm
Story by
Art by
Methos does not ride white horses anymore but a Companion can be, if not patient, at least highly determined.

Every Ending a Beginning, and Every Beginning an End
Story by
Art by
A Companion without his Herald is only half a person, but Methos is determined to never again be who he was, riding out all in white..

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misc fandom, art hl, methos, treehouse reversebang, art misc, art, hl, art color, th rb: fills, fic

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