Treehouse Reversebang, Round 2

Jun 23, 2012 14:52

So,basically, I love: MAKING PROMPTS. DRAWING STUFF. FIC. I asked my flist to enable me, and it was super fun. (Stories from last time still in the works! Updates as events warrant!) I'd like to give it another go. :)

The basic idea
I will draw a picture of whatever strikes my fancy (constrained by fandom & character), which the author will use as a prompt to write a yuletide-length-ish story of whatever inspires her.

I'll hand over pictures as I finish them (via PM or email). Just send me an email (pentapoda at gmail) or IM me on ljtalk when you finish the story (in the evenings), and we can coordinate art and story posts. If for some reason you find yourself unable to finish, please let me know so I can post the picture. :)

If you are interested please comment to this post and let me know 1) fandoms (more options is better) 2) characters (I will feel free to pick any combination or subset of this list) 3) general genres you like/dislike, e.g. AU, peril, crossovers, no-bugs-ever-at-all-really, etc. THE MORE OPTIONS THE BETTER. ♥

I will cut it off when I feel I have a good number of requests I can draw to. I reserve the right to decide that our fandom tastes don't overlap enough for me to make you a prompt that we will both enjoy.

People who foolishly expressed interest previously:
spoke, pollyrepeat, jonesandashes. Please let me know if you are still interested. :)

Some of my fandoms (not created equal):

Some TV shows: Highlander, Psych, Burn Notice, Bones, SGA, Doctor Who, H5O (girls + Chin Ho Kelly), Leverage, SPN, X-files, Firefly, Avatar: the Last Airbender or the Legend of Korra
Some anime: Ronin Warriors, Scrapped Princess, Naruto, Inuyasha, Ranma, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Some movies: Inception, ST:Reboot, XMFC, Avengers movieverse, The Losers, The Mummy, Casino Royale, Nolan's Batman trilogy (specifically Selina Kyle)
Some comics: Hellboy/BPRD, Sandman. Also in general the classic superheroes (except the Hulk -- unless you mean Bruce "Mark Ruffalo" Banner), I just don't read their comics.
Some books: Temeraire, Vorkosigan Saga, Neal Stephenson, Patricia C. Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Tamora Pierce's Tortall, anything by Martha Wells, Ian M Banks' Culture novels, Pern, Patricia McKillip, Pride and Prejudice, Earthsea...

Current favorites: Avengers, Martha Wells (esp. Element of Fire or the Cloud Roads), Scrapped Princess, Burn Notice, Highlander, Avatar: tLA and LoK

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