Kakashi/Sakura ReverseBang art

Apr 30, 2012 18:58

Treehouse, PG
(Naruto) Kakashi, Sakura

[There will be a link to the associated story here! Later!]

The lovely texture brushes used here (somewhat ineptly) come from blimey_icons.

If you're a Naruto fan on livejournal, you need to be open to either Kakashi/Sakura or Kakashi/Iruka, because these are the two active Naruto comms. On that note, here is some KakaSaku Reverse Bang art! Later, there will be KakaIru as I have just successfully signed up for that fest. There is a common theme here, and his name is Kakashi. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/44237.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (

art color, naruto, art naruto

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