Reversebang-ish. Just between us.

Apr 13, 2012 07:55

This is just a follow up post for the, uh, 'You and Me Reversebang' that I was mumbling about last night. Since people were interested (AWESOME. I LOVE MAKING PROMPTS, GUYS. Other things I love: DRAWING STUFF AND FIC), I wanted to be clear about what I am proposing. :)

What I will do
I will make you a piece of digital art of about this quality and size for a fandom and characters we both like. It will be new and made just for you and have some prompty goodness in it (like a tree house!). I will not post it publicly until you are ready to post a story for it.

What you would do
Write a yuletide-length-ish story prompted by the picture. It is your story, write it like you own it! I'm not imposing any constraints on it except those that were in your prompt.

No deadlines, but I am going to give myself until the end of May to get you guys your pictures.

I will hand over the pictures as I finish them (via PM or email), and you guys should feel free to post your story whenever it's done. Just send me an email (pentapoda at gmail) or IM me on ljtalk (which you can access via meebo messenger - I'm on in the evenings), and we can coordinate art and story posts. I'll make a master post whenever it all comes together.

There aren't any consequences either, but please let me know if something comes up and you can't do it so I can post the picture. :)

People who foolishly expressed interest




People to ping for 'round 2':

Sound good? Are you guys still interested now that it has moved from "vague hypothetical" to "I made a whole (but still vague) post for it"? :)

Seven seems like a good number to me for now, but if there is anyone else interested please let me know. Which fandoms/characters would you be wanting?

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. (

tb rh: sigh ups, treehouse reversebang, prompts

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