
Jan 03, 2012 14:52

Prompt me, please?

Comment with one or more characters and something more - a line of dialogue, a description, a reference image, etc. My favorite things are costumes, creatures, and women.

Multiple prompts are ok. I don't mind slash prompts, but try to give me some alternatives to go with it. :)

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Comments 13

wojelah January 3 2012, 20:59:26 UTC
The old woman rose carefully to her feet, ignoring Ama's hand. She stood proudly, the heavy silks falling thick around her slender frame, embroidered so carefully as to seem painted, with scenes so delicate that the animals seemed to move and the flowers to nod.


seldearslj January 3 2012, 21:02:52 UTC
Teyla learning to use computers from Rodney! With this expression that clearly says, "can I bop him on the head for being long-winded?"

I'd rather love to see Teyla meeting the Eleventh Doctor, btw. ;)

"Human. Only not fully. Not from Earth either. Fascinating. That genetic modification looks familiar... Look at this. What do you see?"
"A piece of paper. Blank."
"Psychic, but not able to influence or be influenced - probably mostly telepathic..."
"I believe introductions are customary among humans. Assuming you are human."
"Very astute. No, actually, I'm not. Ah, right. Introductions. Yes. Hi, I'm the Doctor."
"The Doctor ( ... )


teh_bug January 3 2012, 23:19:58 UTC
Er, to piggyback on the Castiel meeting Teyla prompt ('cuz that's exactly what I was coming in here to suggest, lol):

"Are you an Ancient?" asks Teyla, brow furrowed.

"No," says the man. "But I know of them. Rest assured, I mean you know harm." His eyes are dark blue and old, like her grandmother's. He looks human, or humaniod, as Rodney would say, but there is something, something about the way he holds himself, like he has to focus to stay in this realm, like he can see through her, cut her open like a blade of glass.

"This is not my world," says Teyla even though explaining her predicament to him seems superfluous. "Can you help me return to my own?"

The man nods solemnly, "You will need help."

There is a crisp sound and then suddenly, there is another man, tall, with green eyes and short brown hair. He looks around in befuddlement and then spots the first man. "Dammit Cas!"

Alternatively, Keller and Cadman bonding over the fixing of a space!octopus/space!tiger/space!armadillo/etc's wounded tentacle/leg/tail/etc.


seldearslj January 3 2012, 23:30:43 UTC
Hee! You know, part of me would looooove to see Teyla in the SPN universe, using her mad Wraith skillz to hunt demons and stuff.

...and I just had a sudden image of Keller and Simon Tam arguing over a space!octopus/space!tiger/space!armadillo/etc's wounded tentacle/leg/tail/etc. and Simon exclaiming: "there's no such thing as aliens! And you look like my girlfriend" to which Keller retorts, "Tell that to my colleagues, and you look nothing like my boyfriend!"


teh_bug January 4 2012, 01:51:44 UTC
.....Pahahahaha! I can just see Teyla chillin' out with the boys in the Impala with her sticks!

*flails* Keller and Simon would be love! ♥!


jimandblair January 3 2012, 21:09:38 UTC
*leaps to comment*

prompt 1# H50

“Dragons! Here There Be Dragons! Was that map supposed to be funny?” Danny demanded as he stomped across the sand.

“Danno!” Grace flung herself up into his arms, twining her legs around his waist. “You got up - finally.”

Steve looked up from where he was carefully patting sand into a turret. The sandcastle was a sprawling edifice as long as Grace was tall. It was halfway there; Grace had been carefully digging a moat with an old rusty spade.

prompt 2# Highlander
Methos as Loki, Duncan as dumb!viking Thor TM and Amanda as Hel [from the Marvel Universe]

prompt 3# X-Men: First Class
Eric (Magneto) and Xavier (Professor X) despairing at the antics of the kids learning to use their mutant gifts.

*posting very quickly because being first would be awesome*


jimandblair January 3 2012, 21:10:13 UTC
darn, wasn't first :-)


pentapus January 5 2012, 04:04:50 UTC

alessandriana January 3 2012, 21:15:07 UTC
Mia and/or the Ronins, art nouveau-style. :)


alessandriana January 3 2012, 22:18:34 UTC
To offer some visual prompts: maybe this or this (or this!) for Mia, and something like this for the boys?


ladyoflisquill January 3 2012, 21:21:27 UTC
I feel like giving picture prompts soo...

... )


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