SGA and Glee art: Teyla/Keller and Santana/Brittany

Jan 02, 2012 09:12

And now: Back to your regularly scheduled silliness, brought to you by ileliberte and her prompts. :D

prompt 1: SGA, Teyla and Keller + fighting lesson

prompt 2: Glee, Santana and Brittany + period costume, in this case 1920s.

The first one took about a half an hour, the second more like two hours. I don't know why I don't have control of the switch in my brain that says "Oh, I don't mind if the lines are a mess", especially when spending the time to make them smooth doesn't necessarily translate into a better picture. XD

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misc fandom, art cute, art color, art sga, art misc, art teyla, art

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