
Nov 20, 2011 11:38

So, brief update -- I am in China (Jiayuguan, for anyone who has read Black Powder War by Naomi Novik. :D), and the trip has so far been a blast. I have been bad about using DW for crossposting rather that LJ directly the few times I've had an internet connection.

Anyway, comments here are screened (yes, I just checked that option, so I haven't forgotten this time, like usual) so if you would like a postcard from China, please comment here with your address. I cannot guarantee I'll get to everyone and they seem to be taking 3-5 weeks in transit anyway, but I will do my best!

On another note, I have successfully signed up for Yuletide and posted my Yuletide Letter! It felt a little different from last year because for the first time I am requesting neither Tortall nor Temeraire, but that's because this year I can request Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. <3 <3

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yuletide, addresses, postcards

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