OK, IT'S CRUNCHTIME: Line Art, YST team, Due South, Merlin, Naruto, XFiles, SGA team

Sep 05, 2011 09:59

Line Art for the final round of prints. There was a Sherlock sketch as well, but I ran out of steam. If you need it for your happiness, uh, let me know.

Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Team!)
Due South (RayK/Fraser)
Merlin (Merlin/Arthur)
Naruto (Kakashi/Iruka)
Xfiles (Mulder/Scully)
SGA (Team!)

YST! A.k.a. Ronin Warriors. The first fandom of my heart. That little triangle on the right with the black-haired tiger-hugger and the two star-gazers is my favorite trio. (Star boy is my default DW icon.) So many book-smarts and people-dumbs. Well, Ryo is more like sword-smarts, impulse-control-dumbs. ♥

Due South! Thank you for not only being a great show yourself but for causing me to watch Slings and Arrows as well.

As advertised. I was feeling kind of guilty for being so bad at anything overtly slash, so I added some touching. I think I outdid myself.

KAKASHI. As previously mentioned, he is a badass, who is deeply terrible with people and crowds and who pulls off "inscrutable badass" like nobody's business. Iruka, while rarely interacting in canon, provides a great foil for Kakashi. He's loud, he's social, he's kind, he'll never be famous, he works a 9 to 5 job, and likes neatly filed paperwork. And he can be flustered where Kakashi has given up shame as professionally inconvenient. Or he was just never properly socialized. One of those. ♥

This show is really about reversed gender roles. Mulder: emotionally-driven damsel. Scully: the Hero to save him. Well, later that falls through a little, but Scully is still my favorite.

BY POPULAR DEMAND. I forgot how much I love Rodney's little faces of outrage. Also Teyla's impervious straight face. Rodney is probably not telling John that they can share. Or to aim for non-vital areas.

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/36131.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

art merlin, misc fandom, art team, art sga, art misc, naruto, art, art naruto, merlin, rw, art cute, art rw

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