Rec: XKCD on Passwords

Aug 11, 2011 12:30

Guys, if you are somehow not reading XKCD, you should be. The author/artist has a fantastic knack of explaining little known or counter-intuitive concepts in different fields and then making them funny. So, you, like, learn stuff and generally feel really great about being a geek.

Anyway, this latest was even more educational than usual -- I had no idea! My friend who is in comp sci confirmed that the comic is true facts. Even more hilariously, when I tried to put it into practice, the site for which I was altering the password forbade me to use the format suggested in the comic because the algorithms most sites use to check password strength are apparently not that smart.

In other words, I learned, tried, and failed. Good day.

XKCD on what actually makes a good password.

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